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Nicolas-David Paris jouit d'une excellente réputation dans le domaine de la médiumnité. Il est considéré comme l'un des médiums les plus talentueux et les plus respectés en France et à l'international. Sa réputation repose sur sa capacité à fournir des informations précises et détaillées lors de ses consultations, ainsi que sur sa sensibilité et sa bienveillance envers ses clients.


Les personnes qui ont eu recours à ses services témoignent de son professionnalisme, de sa rigueur et de sa capacité à établir une connexion profonde avec elles. Ses prédictions sont souvent perçues comme étant d'une grande justesse, et il est reconnu pour sa capacité à apporter des réponses et des conseils pertinents dans les moments difficiles de la vie.


De plus, Nicolas-David Paris est apprécié pour son éthique et sa discrétion. Il accorde une grande importance à la confidentialité et au respect de la vie privée de ses clients, ce qui renforce la confiance qu'ils lui accordent.


Sa réputation s'est construite au fil des années grâce aux recommandations de ses clients satisfaits, ainsi qu'à sa présence sur les réseaux sociaux et dans les médias. Il est souvent invité à partager son expertise et ses conseils dans des émissions de radio ou de télévision, ce qui témoigne de sa reconnaissance dans le domaine de la médiumnité.


En résumé, Nicolas-David Paris bénéficie d'une réputation solide et bien établie dans le domaine de la médiumnité. Sa capacité à fournir des informations précises, sa bienveillance envers ses clients et son professionnalisme font de lui une référence incontournable pour ceux qui recherchent des réponses et des conseils dans le domaine de la médiumnité.



Mon second sera disponible le 29 août 2024 aux éditions SOLAR®


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Guide to Clairvoyance

Article published by Guide de la Clairvoyance in August 2023.


Find me live on NRJ Belgium for Mike's show from 9:15 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.


"Talking to the dead..."

Find me on in the show “Salut Ile de France” presented by Félicité Kindoki on 10/25/23. 

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Meet me on September 12, 2023 in Paris for a special Master Class "The individual: Body, Soul, Spirit" - 100 places available - Free event

Interview Nicolas-David on Nuréa TV. Nicolas-David i, TV interview. One of the best mediums and clairvoyants of his generation, Nicolas-David was nominated "Best Medium in Paris" by the site spiritualité.com and elected "Revelation 2020" by the Guide le Voyance. Nicolas-David is the reference in the world of mediumship and clairvoyance in France and internationally. Nicolas-David Paris is the reference in mediumship and clairvoyance. He is recognized for his professionalism, his seriousness and his precise captures.


My full interview with Guillaume from Nuréa TV. We discuss my first book "The Whispering of the Angels", summarizing a small part of my journey as a medium.

Interview best medium Nuréa TV. Nicolas-David Paris television. One of the best mediums and clairvoyants of his generation, Nicolas-David was nominated "Best Medium in Paris" by the site spiritualité.com and elected "Revelation 2020" by the Guide le Voyance. Nicolas-David is the reference in the world of mediumship and clairvoyance in France and internationally. Nicolas-David Paris is the reference in mediumship and clairvoyance. He is recognized for his professionalism, his seriousness and his precise captures.


My full interview with Nora from Nuréa TV. We discuss the themes of communication with the Beyond and I share my experience with you.

Interview Nicolas-David Paris Dstudio, Skynews, Kurious Anima. One of the best mediums and clairvoyants of his generation, Nicolas-David was nominated "Best Medium in Paris" by the site spiritualité.com and elected "Revelation 2020" by the Guide le Voyance. Nicolas-David is the reference in the world of mediumship and clairvoyance in France and internationally. Nicolas-David Paris is the reference in mediumship and clairvoyance. He is recognized for his professionalism, his seriousness and his precise captures.


My interview at Dstudio Skynews, where I approach travel in an interdimensional way and trust in the Angels, our messengers.

TV show, radio show, radio interview, IRM RADIO PARIS, One of the best mediums, clairvoyants of his generation, Nicolas-David was nominated "Best Medium in Paris" by the site spiritualité.com and elected "Revelation 2020" by the Guide Clairvoyance. Nicolas-David is the reference in the world of mediumship and clairvoyance in France and internationally. Nicolas-David Paris is the reference in mediumship and clairvoyance. He is recognized for his professionalism, his seriousness and his precise captures.

IRM Radio Paris

My radio interview for IRM RADIO, where I address the theme of 

“Speaking with the beyond”. 

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Find my interview by journalist Karine Bach for Marie-Claire magazine



Meet me on October 21, 2023 in Paris for a special Live Show event "Nicolas-David and the Angels" at the Club de l'étoile, rue Troyon, 75017 Paris.


A Tuesday evening with Nicolas-David and the Angels, find Nicolas-David Paris live on

“A Tuesday evening
and the Angels »

Find me once a month on1st Tuesdayevening at the start of each month at 9 p.m. on all my social networks for your weekly show

Nicolas-David best medium in France.jpg

Guide to Clairvoyance

Article published by Guide de la Clairvoyance in August 2023.

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