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Varieties of incense and their properties

There are a wide variety of incense that can be burned to purify the space and attract positive energies.

Here are some of the most commonly used types of incense for this purpose:

1. Sage incense: Sage incense is one of the most popular purification incense. It is traditionally used by Native Americans to purify spaces and eliminate negative energies. When burned, sage incense releases an aromatic smoke that can help cleanse and balance the energy of a place.

2. Palo Santo: Palo Santo is a sacred wood native to South America. When burned, it gives off a woody, sweet scent that can help purify the space and attract positive energies. Palo Santo is also known for its calming and soothing properties.

3. Myrrh incense: Myrrh incense has been used since ancient times in purification rituals. It is considered to have protective and spiritual uplifting properties. When burned, myrrh incense gives off a rich, earthy scent that can help eliminate negative energies and promote positivity.

4. Sandalwood Incense:Sandalwood is known for its calming and spiritual properties. Sandalwood incense is used to purify space, promote meditation and attract positive energies. Its sweet, woody scent creates a calm and serene atmosphere.

5. Lavender incense:Lavender is known for its relaxing and purifying properties. Lavender incense is used to eliminate stress, promote sleep and attract positive energies. Its floral and soothing scent creates a harmonious atmosphere.

It is important to note that each type of incense has its own distinct properties and scents. It is recommended to choose an incense that resonates with you and your intentions, and to use it with respect and gratitude when purifying your space.

Some of the most popular purification incenses used by Native Americans are:

1. Sage incense: Sage incense is undoubtedly the best known purification incense used by Native Americans. It is made from the leaves of white sage, which are dried and then burned. The smoke given off by sage incense is used to purify spaces, objects and people by eliminating negative energies.

2. Cedar incense:Cedar is considered a sacred tree by many Native American tribes. Cedar incense is used to purify space and create an atmosphere of protection. Its smoke is also associated with healing and spiritual purification.

3. Pine incense: Pine incense is used to purify the air and eliminate negative energies. It is also associated with strength and protection. The smoke of pine incense is often used in ceremonies or purification rituals.

4. Juniper Incense:Juniper is a sacred shrub for many Native American tribes. Its incense is used to purify spaces, ward off evil spirits and attract good energies. The smoke from juniper incense is also believed to have healing properties.

These incenses are deeply rooted in Native American traditions and beliefs, and they have been used for generations to purify spaces and connect to positive energies. They should be used with respect and gratitude, following appropriate practices and protocols.

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